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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Oops. Sorry aiai didnt know you posted!
Hehe i love Amath tuition too cause like what you said!
Thats the only time i get to talk to you and laugh like crazy!
Thats the only time i felt that we are close again!
I just love Amath tuition alot(:
So hows school now? Getting well with celestine and vivien?
Anyway Mid year is here. Just wanna say a very very good luck to you<3
Iloveyou TTVM!

4:20 PM | back to top

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The reason why i love Amath tuition is cause Its fun and mainly cause thats the only time me Aiai are close. Thats the only time i felt we are together again. We laugh and talk to each other. I just love it :D

3:15 AM | back to top

Thursday, February 18, 2010

hey, aiai.. why u sad sad de? den nv tell me when i ask u? haix.. wad happened? tell me can? lyk u tell le soo many ppl? i think.. but nv even tell me at all sia.. haix. dun haf to tell me via this blog.. u jus write letter to me also can.. kk? thx.. ily

10:18 PM | back to top

Monday, February 15, 2010

hey aiai.. HAPPY CNY! hope u haf fun in malaysia.. anw, i am doing fine n okay..^^ CNY also nth much to do bah.. make me gain weight onli.. -.-" sad.. anw.. cant let this blog be dead.. ya!! haha.. love ya.. gtg le.. cya

1:01 AM | back to top

Monday, February 8, 2010

aiyo! omg!
tis blog is really diying!
no way man! i cant like it b dead!
anw.. gt headache nw.. oso dk wat 2 post sia!
anw valentine day coming le!
juz dk.. juz cant w8 4 tt day 2 cm!
wah seh.. me like everyday or everywk gt test de lorh...
so stress de lorh.. haiz...
sec2 so diff de.. haiz.. thn hw r u doing?
anw byez.. nth 2 say le.. cyea(:
lurves yea always...


5:18 AM | back to top

Sunday, January 31, 2010

OMG! can u believe? i got in sia.. ^^ haha... anw, enjoying urself? this blog lyk dead le lor.. haiya. sad case leh.. mus post more k? LYK i post 1 tym den ur turn.. everytym free den post k? TY.. :) hahah. NOW sku h/w getting more n more hard lor.. zzz, i dun lyk leh. somemore the 2.4km den run, i sooo slow leh..!! almost failed.. -.-"

ok ok, gtg le ): byebye. go to entertain my cousin le. YAY co sgot samantha and shes typing this now hahahhaa ok ok i help her say byebye. BYEBYE (: NIGHTS anw!! xoxo

5:01 AM | back to top

Friday, January 8, 2010

sry..didnt really update tis blog...
so hw r u?
anw did u enjoy ytd CCA orenatation n e campfire?
nv really tok 2 u..i oso dk y...
anw thnz 4 ur gift...ily...


11:48 PM | back to top


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